What are the Bowen and Emmett Techniques?

The Bowen Technique is a holistic, hands-on therapy that is applied using very gentle pressure. I will be using fingers and thumbs on precise points of the body to perform Bowen’s unique sets of rolling-type moves which stimulate the muscles and soft tissue of the body.  There is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue, and no force is used.  The experience of a treatment is gentle, subtle and relaxing and suits all ages from infants to the elderly.

The EMMETT Technique is a gentle, safe and simple to apply muscle release therapy which may assist with addressing pain and discomfort, improve body movement, aid relaxation, and improve quality of life.


What should I wear?

A single layer of light clothing is preferred. Anything that would be suitable for the gym/exercise/yoga/sports session. You will be covered with blankets/towels during the session, and the room will be comfortably warm. Jeans and heavy jumpers should be avoided.

If flesh is visible, it helps me see what reaction your body is having. There is never any pressure to take off more clothing than you are comfortable with.


What Conditions can be treated?

Conditions are not treated, as generally we treat the whole body. There aren’t that many conditions that Bowen cannot be used with. The list of conditions that respond positively to Bowen is quite extensive and includes back and neck pain, sciatica, stress, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, sports injuries, joint pain, muscle spasm, hamstring strain, acute and chronic fatigue, asthma, hay fever, bronchial complaints, strokes, whiplash to name a few.


How Many Times

The number of treatments will depend on the condition you are presenting with. Sometimes, just the one treatment will be sufficient, other times more. This will be discussed at the first appointment. There are some people who like to have regular treatments, even though there is nothing “wrong” just to give themselves a well earned relaxation session and to keep the body working efficiently.


Are there any after Effects?

After each treatment you should move around as much as possible, and drink plenty of water. It’s also best to avoid any strenuous exercise after the treatment.

Most clients feel a sense of wellbeing and a good night's sleep is often reported after a treatment, but on a few occasions post-treatment reactions can happen i.e. you feel worse than you did before. The moves are gentle so any reaction that is experienced is possibly due to the body getting on with it’s healing process. This is usually rectified within a day or two. Should it happen, you are always welcome to call me for information and support.


How Long Does It Take?

A session takes about an hour. The first 5 to15 minutes is used to take some medical history, and to review any changes that may have occurred since the last treatment. Any information provided is treated as confidential.


Medical Conditions.

Firstly, if you have been diagnosed with, or suspect you may have a pre-existing medical condition, you should consult your GP for advice, diagnosis and treatment. Always inform your health professional before starting any alternative or additional therapies, treatments or making any major changes in your diet or exercise programme.